Guide: How to write your own website content

We understand that many small businesses cannot afford to pay for a content writer to write the content for their website. Lots struggle as they look at a blank document and they take a long time to think about what to put. So I’m gonna go through what I suggest to people when they tell me that they are going to write their own content; its far better than starting with a blank page.
The main issue is that people think it’s very difficult to write your own content but you’re not reinventing the wheel, as there is a lot of content out there already to give you ideas, not to copy, but to give you ideas on what you can do.

Step 1: Bullet points

Firstly I would start by crreating some bullet points of the key things you would want to say on your website. This will give you some basic ideas on what you want to add on there. You want to look at what things your customer would expect to see on the site. Write down what problem you solve for your customers and anything they need to know about your business or services. This list can be anything from 3-4 items to 12-15 thing. It’s up to you how long you make the list but this gives you the basics for what will be on the site.

Step 2: Research other sites

Next, to add to this, you’re going to research other businesses that are similar to yours and check out their websites. You’re going to look at the messaging on the website and what they’re saying. Copy and paste any of the content you like from them websites into your document. You are also going to look at the pages those websites have and list the pages you think you will need. Then what you want to be doing is then organising the bullet points you made, along with the copies content into related sections. So services, benefits of working with us, solutions you get etc. This will then organise the content for you, remember we are not copying it so don’t worry about that just yet.

Step 3: Make the content your own

You’ve now got all the messages that you want on your website and the stuff that you want to promote to the readers. You can now start to rewrite it in your own words, and if you’re not very good at writing your own words you have 2 options: Pay a copywriter for an hour or two to help with it (its a lot less than getting them to write it all).

Upload it to an AI content writer such as Undetectable AI as they can rewrite it for you and make it sound more human (and not robotic like most AI tools). 

As you have put your own business information in there such as name, years in business and results etc, the content will be specific to you but also saying the same things you liked from the other sites (but not copied) so the content is unique to you and search engines love that.

Step 4: Optimise your titles

For your content, a few things to remember is that you want to ensure that the title of every page says exactly what you do, for example, if you are a HR business based in Manchester, you want to have the title of the services page as “Outsourced HR Services in Manchester” because that’s what people are searching for on Google and but it also tells someone exactly what you do as soon as they land on the page. It needs to be that straight forward.
If you have multiple services, you need to ensure that the title is that service, as then the visitor knows they are in the right place as soon as they land on the page. You also want to include the results people get from working with you as soon as possible on that page. As people are looking for whether you can solve their issues and the results they get. Yes people buy people but people buy solutions to their problems more. So don’t talk too much about you, talk about how you help customers.

Step 5: Adding your Call To Actions

What you also need to be doing at the bottom of each page (and inside the content) is controlling the next step where you tell them what to do next, we call this a “Call To Action”. You are telling them what action to make next. So you would tell them to contact you and give them the options to get in touch such as email, phone number, contact form and booking links where they can book direct in your calendar. For more info on what to say for your “Call To Action”, check out another blog we wrote about it:

Step 6: Now its time to build your site

So now you have your content, you can also use the other websites as a guide to how you want your website to look as well.
Once you have your content ready to go, it’s now time for your website to be built. If you would like your website designing and building for free, get in touch to find out how we help our customers by building websites for free. You can then easily update and manage your website yourself on our easy to use website builder.

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